Posts in Cookies
Bite Size Spice Snap Cookies

As I have expressed on my blog many times, I love cookies. I always make them as an easy transportable dessert.  The dough is easy to freeze, and depending on the cookie they can be non-fancy and inexpensive to very fancy and a bit more pricey.  The bonus however, is that I am able to make them bite size.

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Almond Crescents

The cookie can be such a simple dessert, but it is always a favorite. I love the simplicity of a cookie.  Flavors of the cookie can be eclectic.  You have the classic chocolate chip, peanut butter and sugar cookies and then you have the more advanced filled cookies, but a cookie will taste fantastic when both the flavor and texture come together to create your personal cookie heaven. The Almond Crescent Cookie is one of these cookies. The texture and flavor make me eat them like popcorn.

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Coconut Macaroons

Passover is that one holiday where you either love it or hate it or if you’re like me have a love / hate relationship.  I love bread.  I bake bread from scratch almost every week. I even have a certificate in artisanal bread baking from the French Culinary.  I see bread and I want it. Passover is that holiday where I have to become bread free for 8 days.  There is one thing I do love about Passover, well besides the Matzo Ball Soup, is Coconut Macaroons!  Not the French, petite kind that everyone thinks is so cute and colorful. I am talking about the back to basics Coconut Macaroons. 

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Triple Chocolate Cookies With Nuts

When it comes to cookies, I find myself going for either chocolate chip or a simple sugar cookie with powder sugar.  Simplicity in my mind tastes better than the elaborate.  However, when I start to experiment with cookies and I study various recipes, ideas come to mind.  I love this stage of my recipe testing.  I start to think of flavor combinations and texture. A lot of what people eat is not just about flavor, but about texture. People remember the mouth feel of food just as they remember the flavor.  I bet there is a food that you won't eat because of the texture. You say to people I don't like avocados and partly its because of the taste and maybe lack of flavor, but it is also the texture of the food.  Anyway, when I create and test recipes, texture definitely plays a role in the recipe.

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