Roasted Vegetables Pasta Salad

Pasta is my weakness. I love it! I love it as a cold salad, a warm dish or even just a little side dish with some grated Parmesan Cheese. However, pasta has become a “no” word in the world of dieting and for someone that needs to watch their “figure” it depresses me that I cannot have pasta every day. I could literally eat pounds of it and not feel guilty!! I cannot be the only one in this world that has such a love of pasta that they have to monitor and measure how much they eat so they don’t eat the whole pound! I think you get the point. I love pasta.

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The Home Baguette

Most mornings I am at work at 4:30AM to bake breakfast pastries and bread for the restaurant.  We make MANY different types of desserts and pastries, but my favorite is the simple Focaccia bread.  I love the simplicity of bread.  Yeast, Flour, Salt and Water can produce many different types of bread as well as various flavors.  There are breads that include eggs and butter and some that include sugar or olive oil.  However you make a loaf, boule or baguette shaped bread, the taste and crumb is what I love. 

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Spoof on my Favorite Chicken Dinner

There are days I come home from work and the last thing I want to do is cook an elaborate dinner or any dinner really.  There are nights I have cheese sticks and crackers for dinner.  Or,  I order take out from my favorite take out - Ali Baba.  I LOVE Ali Baba, I love their chicken with rice, lettuce and pita! I am addicted! I even got Joel on the Baba Band Wagon! It is that good! 

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Toasted Orzo Salad with Beans and Radishes)

As you all know, I love gardening.  I love getting my hands dirty in the soil.  I love being part of the process as they grow from seed to vegetable and every year I try to grow a new vegetable. 

I live in Hamden, CT and only a few miles away is a great all organic nursery called Natureworks.  The employees are fantastic! All their employees are master gardeners so the advice I get from the master gardeners is amazing.  So when I want to try something new in my garden, I head over to Natureworks.  I take their advice, apply the methodology to my garden and watch my vegetables come in beautifully. 

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Roasted Radish Dressing

It has been a while since I posted! I know! My goal is to post every month, but when it comes to working 2 jobs and the summer garden season, I don't get a chance to blog or test my recipes, but I do get to explore and experiment with my other love  - Gardening.  I love to garden. I love to be working outside with my hands. I love to watch food grow.  I have always said that growing food is just as important as cooking food.  Its always good to know where your food comes from.

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Sonia Jeruchim's Potato Soup

   During World Wars people sacrificed their families, their homes and their health.  It has always amazed me how resilient people are at their most desperate times.   When it comes to World War II and the Holocaust, being a Jew, I have a certain feeling as most Jews have about that time in our history.  I am in awe when it comes to the survivors and their resilience to start a new life, move to a new country, start a family, learn a new language.  Could we do that today? Could I/we move to a new country, learn a new language, get married and have kids all without having your family close by?  Their stories are amazing and moving.  Through all their suffering and eventual joy, they remember the recipes and foods of their past.  It's what links the past and the present. 

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Braised Mushroom Side Dish

I don't know about your house, but in my house mushrooms are staple.  I add them to everything, salad, pasta sauces, you name it I add a mushroom.  I was looking for a side dish to use up some mushrooms and came across multiple recipes.  I tried a lot of them, but settled on a combination of recipes to make this amazing side dish. 

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Orange Blueberry Pound Bundt Cake

I know! Your thinking everyone does a pound cake. They are so simple to make Sarah, why put another pound cake recipe out there? Well, because this is a delicious recipe and the added blueberries makes it even more amazing.  I promise, this recipe will become a staple in your recipe box. Not only is it easy to make. it looks really pretty! 

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Spaghetti Squash Latkes

I know, I know, its been over a month since I have posted. I do have a good excuse, I moved during the Thanksgiving rush. As many of you know, I work as both a baker and a bookkeeper. I have a few passions in life and one is culinary and all things culinary and the other is business. During the month of November, the bakery is so busy, that I step out from behind the accounting role and go back into my previous role as a baker. I juggle the two. It also happens that during that same period I moved 45 minutes south to Hamden, CT from West Hartford, CT. All of that in one month and something had to suffer and it was my blog. Then came December, well, Christmas time at the bakery....need I say more, but I can't ignore Hanukkah!

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Basil Salad Dressing

This summer, I tried for a second time to grow carrots.  In March, I went to the seed store that sells heirloom seeds and bought carrots, basil, onion and spaghetti squash seeds.  This was the year I was going to grow an AMAZING garden with all Heirloom vegetables! I was so psyched!  It was going to be the year of the heirloom.

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Bite Size Spice Snap Cookies

As I have expressed on my blog many times, I love cookies. I always make them as an easy transportable dessert.  The dough is easy to freeze, and depending on the cookie they can be non-fancy and inexpensive to very fancy and a bit more pricey.  The bonus however, is that I am able to make them bite size.

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Parmesan Crackers

If you have been reading my blogs, you know I make quite a few crackers.  They are my go to when preparing my lunch and making hors d'oeuvres for my cocktail parties.  I work two jobs so I rarely have time to make my breakfast let alone make lunch. What I try to do and sometimes I am successful and sometimes, well.....I am not, is manage my time.

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