About Sarah

After 15 years on Wall Street, I followed my love of cooking and baking.  While in New York City, I attended the International Culinary Center where I obtained a certificate in Artisan Breads and Breakfast Breads and Pastries.  After taking Recreational Classes at the Institute of Culinary Education, I decided to come to Connecticut and continue my culinary education. 

I graduated from the Lincoln Culinary Institute in Baking and Pastry.  Although I concentrated in Baking and Pastry my love is of all foods.

I currently am a baker at a restaurant in Farmington, CT and love the products we create.  Working in professional kitchens has taught me a lot about food, but more importantly, about the people in the industry.  I work with amazing bakers and pastry chefs and every day is a learning experience. 

I love that I never stop learning about food and I hope I can pass that along.

The KoogleBites Story

I am always asked where did the name KoogleBites come from? Its such a cute, yet unique name.  One of my first and still my favorite dishes to make is Kugel, noodle Kugel.  Its a Jewish side dish that can be sweet and savory. However, growing up, my family always made the sweet kind.  We had Kugel with raisins, apples and sometimes just cinnamon sugar.

About 10 years ago I started experimenting with my family Kugel recipe and started making savory kinds.  Broccoli and Cheese, Nutmeg Carrot, Onion, Lox and many others.  I then thought, wow these would be great as Hors D'oeuvres.  My brother-in-law came up with KoogleBites with a spoof on the spelling.

KoogleBites has changed over the past 10 years, but we still make AWESOME Kugel and we still make them as Hors D'oeuvres