Peri Hirsch's Walnut Cookies

As I continue the recipes in Recipes Remembered, by June Feiss Hirsch, I fell in love with Peri Hirsch's Walnut Cookies.  I did not just use Walnuts,  but used other nuts such as Pistachios and Hazelnuts.  I also used chocolate chips.  My personal favorite, the Hazelnut and Chocolate Chip. 

I love this recipe and not because these cookies are delicious, but because Peri Hirsch's recipe has lasted through the struggles and atrocities of WWII and is still made today.

Peri was born in Transylvania, Romania. She was one of 9 children, which can only mean, an amazing family life.  Peri's earliest memories are helping her mother and grandmother prepare for Shabbot.  Shabbot is an amazing time in a Jewish home, its the smells, the warmth and food that makes every Jew remember Shabbot as not just a religious day, but a family and food and comforting day.

Peri's father was in the meat business and her mother shared with their neighbors what they could.  They were a loving family.  However, it all changed in 1944.  There are times, when events shock a family.  A sudden death in the family, a war, or any tragic event.  For Peri, it was when the Nazi's entered their town.  Shortly after they were taken to Auschwitz - Birkenau.

It took one man - one man to save her life.  It only takes one. It can be a matter of minutes and the decision of another can save your life.  That is what happened to Peri.  When they departed the train in Auschwitz - Birkenau. Peri and her mother were separated.  A Jewish man working the line sent her to a line that was not with her mother.  That man saved Peri's life.

Children at the time were sent to forced labor camps.  Peri worked in the oil refineries and coal mines. Unfortunately, these refineries and mines were allied targets and were bomb targets. It is during this time, Peri's sisters were killed.  It was during this time, that Peri found safety in a farmers home.  She was liberated on April 14, 1945.  Peri's goal was to land in Israel, however, she came to American on the SS Marine Perch, where she has made a life and family. 

So, please honor Peri HIrsch and rush to make these cookies. They are light and flaky and the taste, well, they are addicting. 

Ingredients :

1/2 pound / 8 ounces / 226 grams - Unsalted Butter

1 cup / 7 ounces / 200 grams - Granulated Sugar

2 1/2 cup / 11 1/4 ounces / 312 grams  - All Purpose Flour Sifted

1 1/2 teaspoon - Baking Powder

1/4 teaspoon - Salt

2 - Eggs

 2 teaspoon - Vanilla (Note: You can use Almond, Orange, Lemon or any flavor you would like. I tried basically all flavors and I love the combination of Vanilla and Almond.)

1 cup / 4 ounces / 113 grams - Nuts (Note: Walnuts, Pistachio, Almonds and Hazelnuts.  I also used Chocolate Chips which were delicious.  One of my favorite combinations was Hazelnuts and Chocolate Chip and that combination was heavenly.)

  • Cream butter and sugar together till light and fluffy.
  • Add Eggs and Flavoring and mix well.
  • Add nuts (and if you are using chocolate chips) to the sifted flour.
  • Roll the raw dough into a cylinder shape. 
  • Wrap into plastic.
  • Freeze the dough overnight. (You can freeze the dough up to 3 months.)
  • Cut the dough in 1/4 inch.
  • Freeze again for another 15 minutes.
  • Preheat the oven for 325 F
  • Take out of the freezer after 15 minutes and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and walnuts (or the nuts of  your choice or chocolate chips).
  • Bake for 11 minutes.